Enlarged to Show Texture
The issue at hand riffs on themes of mass culture, with a number of works dealing with modern food specifically. Phlegm Pets get placed on the cover and open the issue with a couple of their trademark dense collages. Editor Ll. Dunn offers an extended excerpt from his then-current project, “Core Samples of Culture”, with images generated by punching one-inch squares out of stacks of magazines, and then photographically enlarging the more telling or visually interesting ones.
Dan Fuller opines on the future of fast food in a humorous article, his imagination running away with him. John Heck presents the “Xerox Sack Lunch”, a mixed media, limited edition piece, that combines photocopies of a tuna salad sandwich, milk carton, and napkin, held together with cling film, and inserted into an ersatz photocopied brown bag. This assemblage was stapled into the centerfold of the magazine.
Bob Gregory delivers one of his remarkable collages drawn largely from newsprint materials and his strong poetic sensibility. Other works by Jacqueline de Parjure and mail artist Dazar are also presented, along with an embryonic review section.
Printed on a Xerox 9500 xerographic duplicator.
Print run: 92.
PDF upload: 2005-01-01.
Photostatic Magazine Retrograde Archive no. 17
Various minor typesetting and layout improvements.
Print issue contained “Xerox Sack Lunch”, here reproduced as scans of the contents individually.
Phlegm Pets
Jacqueline de Parjure
Ll. Dunn
John Heck
Dan Fuller
Bob Gregory