The Issue within the Issue
As was an occasional habit with this publication, a backlog of usable, but as yet unpublished, submissions was assembled into a coherent folio and released as a half-numbered issue. Subscribers were therefore treated to a double issue at year’s end in 1984.
It might be noted, in passing, that the cover design for this half-issue was taken from a so-called “pilot issue” no. 0 that was never released, but was instead produced solely for the editor’s benefit; viz. to see how the proposed format (half a so-called “legal”-sized sheet of paper) would work, esthetically, and otherwise. Needless to say, it was judged a success.
Printed on a Xerox 9500 xerographic duplicator.
Half of a double issue with no. 9.
Print run: 104 (including re-issue).
PDF upload: 2005-12-01.
Photostatic Magazine Retrograde Archive no. 9½
Various minor typesetting and layout improvements.
Includes additional graphics by Ll. Dunn.
Ll. Dunn
Warren Ong
Ruggero Maggi
Crag Hill
Ralph Johnson
John Stickney
Mark Pawson
Guy R Beining
Elizabeth Was
Miekal And
Clemente Padín