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February 1995
France and Iowa Since it
strains common sense for me to have made a move to Europe, with
the background program of finding gainful employment, I find a
way to soothe my tested logic by inventing justifications for my sojourn
that are sensual and poetic, rather than of the head. I recount
the ways in which Iowa and France share common bonds, most of
which are metaphoric, rather than pragmatic, in nature. I do this not
in an effort to “feel at home” surely, for not “to feel at home” is one
of the main reasons I have come; but rather to shore up the rickety
structure of my thinking, and to feel like there is some perhaps obscure
philosophic sense to it. I am certain that this move makes some
sense, but not necessarily for the reasons that I express here. There
is little doubt in my mind that these connections are more telling to
me than they are to the general reader, who will maybe nonetheless
find them diverting, at least. ...
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Printed in an edition of 100 on a 300 d.p.i. PostScript laser printer; reprinted as needed in smaller editions.